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Atyrau official brought to disciplinary liability


 Atyrau region

Atyrau official was brought to disciplinary responsibility for the unlawful inspection of entrepreneurs

Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region received a collective appeal from business entities engaged in providing hot meals in educational institutions of Atyrau. According to businessmen, a group of persons headed by the deputy head of the Education Department of Atyrau carried out inspections of school canteens without any notifications.

As it turned out later, these checks were carried out to analyze the condition of the premises for further use under the Public-Private Partnership Project.

However, according to the entrepreneurs, members of the group checked directly manufactured products. They opened all the cabinets, including employees' cabinets with personal belongings. They commented all their actions in a rude form, photographing and making videos of their inspections. Business entities were outraged that all the above actions were carried out in their absence by people who had no relevant documents and permits and neglected sanitary standards: they wore no bathrobes, shoe covers and had no sanitary book.

 “The office of the Business Ombudsman of Atyrau region appealed to the Education Department of Atyrau with a request to provide information on the legitimacy of these inspections. We received a response that at the moment the work on implementation of the PPP project "Implementation of international standards for the provision and organization of food in schools" is underway in the region.  Among the activities is to conduct an analysis of the school canteens’ state to determine the value of the planned investment. In this connection, the group was sent to survey canteens in 10 Atyrau schools, where it is planned to introduce a pilot PPP project.

“However, due to the fact that the deputy head of the Education Department of Atyrau did not appropriately inform the school authorities about the planned event and committed the abovementioned violations, a disciplinary action was imposed on him,” the expert of the legal protection department of the regional Chamber Kuralay Zhubanova said.


«...Domestic business, the so-called national bourgeoisie, should be supported in every possible way, and those who prevent its development by unreasonable inspections, extortions, raids should be strictly punished...»

Statement from the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at an enlarged meeting of the Government on 15 July 2019

Nurov Kanat Ilyich.

Ombudsman for the Protection of the rights of Entrepreneurs of RK

The blog of the Ombudsman for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan was created for you to have an opportunity to appeal directly to me and I hope that it will contribute to a constructive dialogue between us – send me feedback, share opinions, make suggestions. All your comments without exception will be read by me.


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