Mass media about the Ombudsman


Business is under protection


Cisurals 72 (24199)

The regional branch of the Central Communications Service hosted a press conference on the development of entrepreneurship in the region and measures taken to support business entities.

The director of the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Nurlan Kairshin, the head of the non-financial support section of RCE of WKR Maksat Kulanbayev, the business coach for the Zelenovsky district Kuanyshbek Yerniyazov described the current work.

The number of operating entities in the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses is 36.6 thousand units, and the number of employed in them as of 1st of October 2016 - 97.3 thousand people.

The subjects of small and medium-sized business in January-September 2016 produced goods (works and services) for 847.5 billion tenge.

As it was reported by the head of RCE of WKR Nurlan Kairshin, in total, the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs received 163 written appeals of business entities on the basis of business protection in 2016.

On the considered appeals within the line of business protection, a positive decision was reached on 91 appeals. The total amount of protected property rights of business entities for 2016 amounted to almost 565 million tenge, in 2015 this amount was equal to 181 million tenge.

The Chamber identified 21 administrative barriers. On the identified problems and issues requiring approval at the republican level, RCE submitted to NCE RK "Atameken": 17 issues of business were submitted to the Department of Public Monitoring for inclusion in the Register of Problems.

In addition, proposals on improving the items of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, creating administrative barriers to business, are sent to the department of expertise coordination on an ongoing basis.

The head of the Regional Chamber in his report also drew attention to the range of problems surrounding public procurement, as well as problems related to the purchases of Samruk-Kazyna.

Nurlan Kairshin outlined the situation in the sphere of PPP, development of human capital, development of AIC cluster. Maksat Kulanbayev, the head of the department, told about the works on the support of entrepreneurs. The business coach Kuanyshbek Yerniyazov told about the implementation of the new project "Bastau business" in the country and in the region, in particular, in the Zelenovsky district, about the activity of the villagers and the most interesting projects in this area.

«...Domestic business, the so-called national bourgeoisie, should be supported in every possible way, and those who prevent its development by unreasonable inspections, extortions, raids should be strictly punished...»

Statement from the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at an enlarged meeting of the Government on 15 July 2019

Nurov Kanat Ilyich.

Ombudsman for the Protection of the rights of Entrepreneurs of RK

The blog of the Ombudsman for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan was created for you to have an opportunity to appeal directly to me and I hope that it will contribute to a constructive dialogue between us – send me feedback, share opinions, make suggestions. All your comments without exception will be read by me.


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