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A number of corruption risks have been identified in the spheres of development of entrepreneurial activity and land relations


Official Internet resource of Akimat of Dzhangeldinsky district of Kostanay region

On 26th of May 2017 in the akimat of Kostanay region was held an off-site selectoral meeting of the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of deputies of the Parliament, representatives of interested state bodies, public associations and business associations on summarizing the work done in the areas of business development and land relations.

During the event, the issues of improving these areas were discussed, as well as the results of public monitoring and external analysis of corruption risks.

According to the Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Accounts, according to which 5 crimes and 24 offenses were registered in 2016 on the facts of obstruction of lawful entrepreneurial activity.

According to Alik Shpekbayev, Deputy Chairman of the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the largest number of complaints received by entrepreneurs are related to issues in the sphere of land relations.

This fact correlates with the results of the anti-corruption monitoring of 2016, following which this field of activity of local executive bodies was included in the six most susceptible to corruption.

In the sphere of land relations, the growth of registered corruption crimes is of particular concern. So, if in 2016 the total number of them was 225 cases, according to the results of only the first quarter of 2017, 108 facts were registered, which indicates a 1.5-fold increase in corruption crimes compared to the same period last year.

Taking into account the urgency of the issues raised in the conditions of economic development and expansion of the scale of economic turnover of lands, the Agency together with NCE Atameken carried out analysis in the sphere of land relations, which resulted in the identification of a number of corruption risks.

Participants of the meeting noted the facts of granting land plots for individual housing construction by using existing contradictions in land legislation.

In addition, one of the identified corruption risks associated with the emergence of large queues in obtaining land for housing construction. The reason for this was the lack of differentiation of the waiting lists, which leads to a random submission of applications by persons who do not actually need a land plot.

Along with increased demand for land, a high risk of criminalization of land legal relations was noted, which served as the organization of a criminal group by the employees of the land relations sphere of the Akmola region to sell land plots bypassing the law.

As a result of the meeting, the Agency developed 31 recommendations on eliminating corruption risks and administrative barriers that impede the development of business in these areas.

"The main problem, as in previous analyzes, remains the imperfection of national legislation", - Deputy Chairman of the Agency A. Shpekbayev noted.

Thus, the share of recommendations made to eliminate corruption risks in legislative and by-laws was 71% and only 29% in organizational and managerial activities.


«...Domestic business, the so-called national bourgeoisie, should be supported in every possible way, and those who prevent its development by unreasonable inspections, extortions, raids should be strictly punished...»

Statement from the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at an enlarged meeting of the Government on 15 July 2019

Nurov Kanat Ilyich.

Ombudsman for the Protection of the rights of Entrepreneurs of RK

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Financial Monitoring Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The General prosecutor's office of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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